Laser Welding: Novelty Items
Tips for Laser Welding a Base Metal Letter Opener
Prep all of the parts so that the parts fit together flush. In this case, the large handle part needed the Modified X Joint preparation technique to reduce the gauge.
Tack weld the parts together, and be sure the parts are aligned properly before laser welding. Next, laser weld the parts together by using a proper Keyhole Weld and the overlapping weld technique.
Add laser welding wire for strength. Since we used the Modified X Joint on the handle, we must then fill in the deep voids with filler wire. In this case, the base metal is a white “pot” metal with a melting point of about 300° F. Low-temp solder is used as a filler.
Once the filler wire has been laid in, the Hammering and Smoothing technique can now be used with the laser welder.
Once the smoothing is complete, little or no clean up is required for this type of base metal. Touch-up the plating on the weld zones with a standard Pen – Plater.
Shown below is the finished repair: